DOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTS in Saxophone Performance
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI – December 2006
MASTER OF MUSIC in Saxophone Performance
University of Missouri – Kansas City Conservatory
of Music
City, MO – May 2003
OF SCIENCE in Instrumental Music Education, summa cum laude
Missouri Southern State University
Joplin, MO – December 1999
Director, School of Music
August 2022 – Present
Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY
School of Music Director Responsibilities
Maintain unit contact database
Set agenda for monthly faculty meetings
Push long-term policy and program improvements
Assign teaching load to faculty
Hire adjunct faculty
Mediate disputes (faculty-student,
faculty-faculty, faculty-staff, student-staff)
Assign mentors for new faculty
Create/update standing and ad-hoc unit committees
Assign faculty to unit/departmental committees
Formulate job descriptions for new faculty hires
Assign faculty members to hiring committees
Approve all unit spending
Balance the unit’s financial accounts
Approve all faculty and student travel
Represent the School of Music in a positive
manner in the community
Maintain NASM standards
Represent EKU at NASM conferences
Represent EKU at the Kentucky Association of
Music Programs in Higher Education meetings
Write NASM self-study document (fall 2022)
Complete the annual NASM HEADS report and
communicate with the NASM Commission on Accreditation
Enforce Human Resources policies
Oversee room scheduling
Oversee scheduling of classes and rehearsals
Remind faculty of university and
unit/departmental policies
Approve all School of Music student organization
Offer scholarships to prospective students
Evaluate scholarships of existing students
Report safety concerns of facilities to the
Physical Plant
Report technology issues to IT
Send changes/update about the School of Music
website to IT
Supervise the School of Music Administrative
Supervise student workers
Regularly Reoccurring Actions to EKU Administration
Faculty and adjunct employee and pay-action forms
Overload pay-action forms for full-time faculty
Collect updated faculty vitae
Faculty and adjunct load reports
Fall, Spring, Winter, and Summer
semester class schedules
New unit fee requests
Probationary faculty reviews
Tenured faculty reviews
Submit course modification forms for class
Oversee Recruiting Activities
Foster Music Camp
Honors Bands
Choral Day
Marching Colonels Day
New student orientation sessions
Director/school visits
Work booths at various events
School of Music social media
Alumni Activities
KMEA Alumni Reception
Contacting alumni for possible involvement and
School of Music social media
Courses Taught / Responsible For
Fall 2024
MUS 101 Performance
MUS 292 Fundamentals
of Audio Production
MUS 300 Music
Industry Career & Internship Seminar
MUS 349 Music
Industry/Recording Arts Co-Op
MUS 449 Music
Industry Senior Projects
MUS 492 Advanced
MUS 551 Performance
MUS 751 Performance
Spring 2024
MUS 300 Music Industry Career & Internship
MUS 346E Saxophone
MUS 349 Music Industry/Recording Arts Co-Op
MUS 449 Music
Industry Senior Projects
MUS 511/711 Jazz
Fall 2023
ASO 100M Student
MUS 191 Music
Industry II
MUS 300 Music Industry Career & Internship Seminar
349 Music Industry/Recording Arts
MUS 449 Music
Industry Senior Projects
492 Advanced Mixing
MUS 551 Performance Literature
751 Performance Literature
Spring 2023
MUS 190 Music
Industry I
MUS 349 Music
Industry/Recording Arts Co-Op
MUS 896 Special
Fall 2022
ASO 100M Student
MUS 191 Music
Industry II
MUS 349 Music
Industry/Recording Arts Co-Op
Student Organizations
Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia – Faculty Advisor
Music Industry Club
– Faculty Advisor
Professional Activities
President, Kentucky
Association of Music Programs in Higher Education (2023-current)
Chair, Department of Music
July 2016 – July 2020
Professor, Department of Music
July 2016 – July 2022
Southern State University, Joplin, MO
Chair, Department of Music – Responsible for administrative matters within the Department
of Music such as:
- Oversee a diverse array of full-time faculty,
part-time faculty, and staff.
- Oversee all aspects of
the music program including music majors, music minors, and music
- Oversee six undergraduate degree programs and seven certificate
programs with all current degree programs revamped under my direction.
- Responsible for the departmental budget including general operating
student and faculty
activity accounts, and Foundation accounts.
- Responsible for alumni relations, directing recruiting efforts, and
- Oversee various departmental committees and activities.
- Evaluation of full-time and part-time faculty members.
- Communicating information from the upper administration to the
faculty and staff of the Music Department.
- Chairing music faculty meetings and faculty searches.
- Resolving faculty-faculty disputes, faculty-student disputes, and student-student
- National Association of Schools of Music representative and lead in
accreditation application.
- Host the Southwest District Solo and Ensemble Contest.
- Supervise departmental administrative assistants and student
- Represent the department in university departmental assessments
(including GE assessments).
- Author of MSSU’s National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
self-study for accreditation and liaison to NASM for accreditation
- Extensive use of the university reporting system (Banner) coupled
with Excel and FileMaker Pro for data parsing and analysis.
Professor of Music – Responsible for teaching applied saxophone and
music industry-related courses.
Advising students on
degree plans.
Holding a weekly studio
class for saxophone students.
Recruiting students to
the saxophone studio and MSSU in general.
Directing the Southern
Jazz Orchestra.
Applied Saxophone to undergraduate
and graduate music majors, minors, and non-music majors
MUS 101 Jazz Styles and
MUS 240 Recital
MUS 311 History of
Music I
MUS 312 History of
Music II
MUS 403 Introduction to
Live and Recorded Sound
MUS 410 Music Industry
and Copyright
MUS 412 Music
MUS 450 Senior Recital
MUS 491 Internship in
Music Industry
MUS 614 Pedagogy of
Music Theory
Graduate Council
Department Chair
HLC Review
Faculty Welfare
Black Studies
Certificate Committee
Faculty Sabbatical
Department of Music
Concert audio recording
Ed and Winnie Ola Berrong
Endowed Chair and Professor of Music
Chair: July 2012 – June 2016
Faculty Member: August 2006 – June 2016
(promoted/tenured in 2011, promoted to professor in 2016)
Oklahoma State University, Weatherford, OK
Chair Responsibilities
- Oversee a diverse array of full-time faculty,
part-time faculty, and staff.
- Oversee all aspects of the music program including music majors,
music minors, and music participants.
- Oversee four undergraduate degree programs (with eight different
emphasizes) and two graduate degree programs (with four different
- NASM representative and responsible for compliance with NASM
- Responsible for the departmental budget including General Operating
Budget, Berrong
Endowment Fund, Summer
Camp Accounts, Academic Enrichment Fee Accounts, Academic Service Fee Accounts,
Student and Faculty Activity Accounts, Jazz Festival Accounts, and Foundation
- Responsible for alumni relations, directing recruiting efforts, and
- Maintaining a departmental database of prospective students, alumni,
area directors, purchase orders, faculty travel, and special events
Other Responsibilities and
- SWOSU Music Camp Director, including:
Band Camp, Middle
School Band, Marimba Camp, Choral Camp, and Guitar Camp (comprising over 900
public school students and over 150 faculty and staff)
- Interim Graduate Coordinator for the Department of Music
- Annual SWOSU Jazz Festival (2007-2012) (hiring and working with
guest artists and running a festival for middle school, high school, and
university bands)
- Undergraduate/Graduate Student Recruitment
- Student advisement
- SWOSU-owned woodwind instrument checkout and maintenance
- Faculty Advisor to Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Tau Phi Chapter
- SWOSU All-OMEA Clinician
- Woodwind studio classes
Applied Teaching
- Saxophone (undergraduate and graduate)
- Jazz Improvisation (undergraduate and graduate)
- Intro to Music Technology
- Technology in Music Education
- Music Program Administration
- Jazz Improvisation Class
- Advanced Instrumental Pedagogy; Saxophone (graduate)
- Advanced Instrumental Literature; Saxophone (graduate)
- African and African American Music (graduate)
- Jazz Ensemble ‘A’ & ‘B’ (2006-2012)
- Saxophone Quartets
- Woodwind Ensemble
- Woodwind Chamber Ensembles
- Music Department Committees: Jazz Festival, Music Therapy
Curriculum, Freshman Orientation, Instrumental Symposium, Recitals, and
Percussion Proficiencies
- Campus-wide Committees: Academic Technology Committee, Strategic
Goal Team 6 Campus Technology. Miss
Southwestern Pageant Board Member (2006-2012), Academic Advisory Council, Academic
Appeals, and Campus Environmental Committee,
- Hiring Committees: Clarinet/Music History, Piano/Music Therapy, Fine
Arts Center Manager, Trumpet/Jazz, and Applied Voice Faculty
Clinician/Officer Activities
- Oklahoma Administrators of Music Schools, President, 2016
- Oklahoma Administrators of Music Schools, Vice President, 2014-2016
- Bernhardt Excellence in Teaching Awards nominee, 2013, 2014, 2015
- National Association of Schools of Music, SWOSU Representative 2012-2016
- North American Saxophone Alliance Candidate for Secretary, 2012
- MTNA State Judge for Woodwind Solos and Ensembles, 2012
- President-Elect, Oklahoma Jazz Educators Association 2011-2012
- Host, Oklahoma Jazz Educators Fall Workshop, November 2011
- Oklahoma All-State Jazz Audition Judge, November 2010
- All-OMEA Saxophone Clinician for the Oklahoma All-State Saxophones
- All-OMEA Saxophone Clinician for the Oklahoma All-State Saxophones
- All-OMEA Saxophone Clinician at SWOSU 2006-2015
Visiting Instructor of Saxophone January – May 2012, January – May 2013
of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Saxophone Instructor August 2005 – July 2006
College, Holland, MI
Private Music Instructor
Joplin, MO September
2016 – Present
Weatherford, OK September
2006 – June 2016
Holland, MI August 2005 – July 2006
Lansing, MI August 2003 – July 2006
Kansas City, MO January 2002 – July 2003
Joplin, MO June
1996 – December 2001
Other Teaching
Applied Saxophone (undergraduate, masters and doctoral students)
Saxophone Pedagogy
Assistant, African and African-American
Music and World Music
Other Ensembles
Director/Coach, UMKC Saxophone Quartets
(undergraduate and graduate)
Director, Windermere Park Charter Academy
Middle School Band
Other Responsibilities and
Overseeing senior seminar projects
Juror for final oral and jury examinations
Undergraduate and Graduate recital
· Kentucky
Association of Music Programs in Higher Education (President 2023-present)
· Oklahoma
Association of Music Schools (President 2016)
· Alpha
Chi Honor Society
· Epsilon
Mu Sigma Honor Society
· Kappa Kappa Psi (Honorary)
· Lawton
Philharmonic On-Call Saxophonist
· Missouri
Music Educators Association
· Mu Phi
Epsilon Gamma Gamma Chapter “Patron of Music”
· National
Association for Music Education
· National
Association of Schools of Music (individual member)
· North
American Saxophone Alliance
· Oklahoma
City Philharmonic On-Call Saxophonist
· Phi Mu
Alpha Sinfonia (Honorary)
· Tau
Beta Sigma (Honorary)
MSSU Faculty Development Grant (2016-2017,
2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020)
National Endowment for the Arts/Oklahoma Arts
Council Grant for SWOSU’s Annual Jazz Festival – $5700 (2012)
National Endowment for the Arts/Oklahoma Arts
Council Grant for SWOSU’s Annual Jazz Festival – $7200 (2011)
National Endowment for the Arts/Oklahoma Arts
Council Grant for SWOSU’s Annual Jazz Festival – $5700 (2010)
National Endowment for the Arts/Oklahoma Arts
Council Grant for SWOSU’s Annual Jazz Festival – $5700 (2009)
National Endowment for the Arts/Oklahoma Arts
Council Grant for SWOSU’s Annual Jazz Festival – $5850 (2008)
National Endowment for the Arts/Oklahoma Arts
Council Grant for SWOSU’s Annual Jazz Festival – $5000 (2007)
SWOSU Faculty Sponsored Program Grants for
performances at conferences
(2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010,
2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015)
Performance with the Lexington Community
Orchestra (February)
Faculty Recital, EKU
Performance on Dr. Nate Siler Faculty Recital,
EKU (October)
Solo Performances/Clinics/Judging
· [canceled]
Invited performance North American Saxophone Alliance Biennial Conference,
Oklahoma State University (March) – Premiere of a new commission
Faculty Recital, MSSU (March)
[canceled] Invited performance the Flute New
Music Consortium Conference, University of Arizona (February)
· Guest artist
– Chase Neely DMA Percussion Recital, Texas Tech University (February)
· Most
scheduled performances were canceled due to the COVID-19 outbreak
SWMMEA District Jazz Judge (November)
Guest artist – Dr. Cheryl Cotter, clarinet
Faculty Recital, MSSU (November)
Judged Idaho state level solo and ensemble
festival (May)
· Invited
performance North American Saxophone Alliance Region IV Conference, University
of Texas – San Antonio (March)
· Most
scheduled performances were canceled due to the COVID-19 outbreak
· Guest
artist – Dr. Cheryl Cotter, Clarinet Faculty Recital, MSSU (November)
· Guest
clinician at the Southwest Missouri Music Educators jazz ensemble rehearsal
Invited performance North American Saxophone
Alliance Region IV Conference, University of Arkansas (March)
Oklahoma Music Educators Association (OkMEA)external reviewer for community, high school, and
collegiate jazz submissions for honor group proposals for the OkMEA annual conference (June)
· Faculty
performance, MSSU (September)
Guest lecturer at
Carthage High School (November)
Invited performance at
the American Single Reed Summit, Truman State University (October)
Guest presenter at the
American Single Reed Summit, Truman State University (October)
Guest musician at the
Southwest Missouri Music Educators fall conference (October)
Reading Jazz Band,
Southwest Missouri District Music Teacher’s meeting, Webb City, MO (August)
Performances with the
Four States Saxophone Quartet, Joplin and Webb City, MO (July)
Performance with Chase
Neely at the National Conference on Percussion Pedagogy at the University of
Arkansas (May)
Invited performance at
the North American Saxophone Alliance Biennial Conference, University of
Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music (March)
Faculty Recital, MSSU
Guest Artist and Master
Class Presenter, OSU Saxophone Summit, Oklahoma State University (January)
Guest artist – Dr. Cheryl Cotter, Clarinet Faculty Recital (November)
Guest soloist, Southern
Jazz Collective (in a premier performance), MSSU (April)
Invited performance at
the North American Saxophone Alliance Region IV Conference, Oklahoma State
University (March)
Faculty Recital, MSSU
Performance with MSSU’s
Jazz Unlimited vocal ensemble at the Seasonal Choral Flourish (December)
Performance at the 2016
SWOSU Marimba Camp (June)
Faculty Chamber Recital
Performance – “The Music of Gregory Rose” (April)
46th Annual
SWOSU Jazz Festival Adjudicator (February)
Guest Artist Recital,
Oklahoma State University (January)
Guest Clinician, OSU
Saxophone Summit (January)
Guest Lecturer, OSU
Saxophone Summit (January)
Round 2 Saxophone Clinic, SWOSU (December)
Guest Performance,
University of Central Oklahoma Faculty Composition Recital (November)
Concerto soloist with
the Dallas Area Asian-American Youth Orchestra (November)
Faculty Recital
Faculty Chamber Recital
Performance (October)
Guest Soloist at the
Weatherford Middle School Choir Concert (October)
Performance on the
SWOSU Faculty Recital (September)
Faculty member at the
Weatherford Arts Academy (July)
Saxophone Clinic, SWOSU Band Camp (July)
Performance at the 2015
SWOSU Marimba Camp (June)
Substitute performer
with the Davis Road Saxophone Quartet (May)
Faculty performer on
the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Tau Phi Chapter’s “American Composers Faculty
Recital” (March)
Recital at the North
American Saxophone Alliance Region IV Conference, University of Oklahoma
(February) – Performance of World Première of Gregory Rose’s Wesleyan Soliloquy 2.
Faculty Chamber Music
Recital Performance (February)
45th Annual
SWOSU Jazz Festival Adjudicator (February)
Guest Lecturer, OSU
Saxophone Summit (January)
Guest Clinician, OSU
Saxophone Summit (January)
Guest Artist, OSU
Saxophone Summit (January)
Saxophone Round 2 Clinic, SWOSU (December)
Performance with Suré Elloff, soprano, Guest
Artist (October)
Saxophone Clinic, SWOSU Band Camp (July)
Performance at the 2014
Band Camp (July)
Performance at the 2014
Marimba Camp (June)
Performance at the
National Conference on Percussion Pedagogy, University of Oklahoma (May)
Première performance of
Michal Timpson and Chihchun Chi-cun
Lee’s In Memory at the Tau Beta Sigma “Women in
Music” Recital (April)
Recital at the North
American Saxophone Alliance Biennial Conference, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL (March)
Faculty Chamber Recital
Performance (February)
44th Annual
SWOSU Jazz Festival Adjudicator (February)
Performance with Dr.
Andy Wen, saxophone, Guest Artist (January)
Saxophone Round 2 Clinic, SWOSU (December)
Master Class Presenter,
Oklahoma State University (November)
Guest Artist Recital,
Oklahoma State University (November)
Faculty Recital, SWOSU
Performance at the 2013
Band Camp Faculty Recital (July)
Saxophone Clinic, SWOSU (July)
Performance at the 2013
Marimba Camp (June)
Performance at the
University of Oklahoma Woodwind Workshop (June)
University of Oklahoma
Woodwind Workshop, Presenter (June)
University of Oklahoma
Woodwind Workshop, Panel Member (June)
Performance at the
Sorosis Club of Weatherford Meeting (April)
Recital at the North
American Saxophone Alliance Region IV Conference, Texas Christian University,
Fort Worth, TX (April)
43rd Annual
SWOSU Jazz Festival Adjudicator (February)
Saxophone Round 2 Clinic, SWOSU (December)
Music Teachers National
Association (MTNA) state round judge for saxophone, bassoon, horn, and chamber
ensembles held at Oklahoma State University (November)
Performance with the
Oklahoma City Philharmonic Orchestra and the Canterbury Choral Society, Randi
Von Ellefson, conductor (October)
Performance on the
SWOSU Faculty Recital (September)
Saxophone Clinic, SWOSU (July)
Performance at the 2012
Band Camp Faculty Recital (July)
Performance at the 2012
Marimba Camp (June)
Performance at the
National Conference for Percussion Pedagogy, Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, TX (May)
Featured soloist with
the Edmond Santa Fe Wind Ensemble, Mike Lowery, conductor (May)
Faculty Recital,
Premiere Performance of William Funk’s Equi-Delta
Faculty Recital, SWOSU
Performance at the
Sorosis Club of Weatherford Meeting (April)
Recital at the North
American Saxophone Alliance Biennial Conference at Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ (March)
Saxophone Round 2 Clinic, SWOSU (December)
Performance at the
Oklahoma Retired Educators Meeting (December)
Performance on Mu Phi
Epsilon’s “Canned Food Recital” at SWOSU (October)
Performance on the
SWOSU Faculty Chamber Recital, Weatherford PAC (October)
Performance on a
Faculty Recital, SWOSU (September)
Performance with the
Oklahoma City Philharmonic Orchestra, Joel Levine, conductor
Saxophone Clinic, SWOSU (July)
Performance at the 2011
Band Camp Faculty Recital (July)
Performance at the 2011
Marimba Camp (July)
Performance on Phi Mu
Alpha Sinfonia’s “American Composers” Concert (April)
Première performance of
Chance Alquest’s Etudes
for Soprano Saxophone and Piano on a SWOSU recital (April)
Performance with the
Oklahoma City Philharmonic Orchestra, Joel Levine, conductor (April)
Recital at the North
American Saxophone Alliance Region IV Conference at Sam Houston State
University, Huntsville, TX (March)
Faculty Recital, SWOSU
Clinic with the
saxophone section of SWOSU’s Jazz Ensemble ‘A’ at the Oklahoma Jazz Educators
Fall Conference, SWOSU (November)
Clinic with SWOSU’s
Jazz Ensemble ‘A’ at the Oklahoma Jazz Educators Fall Conference, SWOSU
Performance on Mu Phi
Epsilon’s “Canned Food Recital” at SWOSU (October)
Performance on a
Faculty Recital, SWOSU (September)
Performance at the 2010
SWOSU Band Camp Faculty Recital (July)
All-OMEA Saxophone
Clinic (July)
Performance at the 2010
SWOSU Marimba Camp (July)
Recital at the National
Conference on Percussion Pedagogy at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
with the Bessinger-Talley Duo (May)
Recital at the North
American Saxophone Alliance Biennial Conference at the University of Georgia,
Athens, GA Premiering Adriel Reynolds’ Kaitlyn’s
Waltz (March)
Recital at the North
American Saxophone Alliance Biennial Conference at the University of Georgia,
Athens, GA as soprano saxophone chair of the Chisholm Saxophone Quartet
Premiering Samuel Magrill’s A Saxy Tango (March)
Faculty Recital (with
the Chisholm Saxophone Quartet and the Bessinger-Talley Marimba-Saxophone Duo),
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (February)
Directed SWOSU Jazz
Ensemble with the Byron Stripling Quartet (February)
All-OMEA Saxophone
Sectional, OMEA Conference, Tulsa, OK (January)
All-OMEA Saxophone
Round 2 Clinic, Southwestern Oklahoma State University (December)
Faculty Performance,
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (September)
Solo Performance with
the Faculty Band at the 2009 SWOSU Band Camp, Dr. Steven Ward, Abilene
Christian University, conductor (July)
Performance at the 2009
SWOSU Band Camp Faculty Recital (July)
All-OMEA Saxophone
Clinic (July)
Recital at the National
Conference on Percussion Pedagogy at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
with the Bessinger-Talley Duo (May)
Performance on a SWOSU
colleague’s Doctoral Recital at the University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK (April)
Recital at the North
American Saxophone Alliance Region IV Conference at the University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO Premiering Adriel Reynolds’ Rhapsody.
Faculty Performance,
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (April)
Faculty Recital,
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (March)
Directed SWOSU Jazz
Ensemble with Grammy Award-winning jazz musician John Clayton and The Clayton
Brothers Quintet (February)
All-OMEA Band Saxophone
Sectional, OMEA Conference, Tulsa, OK (January)
All-OMEA Saxophone
Round 2 Clinic, Southwestern Oklahoma State University (December)
Performance with the
Silver and Gold Saxophone Quartet, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Faculty Performance,
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (September)
All-OMEA Saxophone
Clinic (July)
Performance at the 2008
Band Camp Faculty Recital (July)
Performance at the
Weatherford Fine Arts Academy, Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Recital at the North
American Saxophone Alliance Biennial National Conference at the University of
South Carolina, Columbia, SC (April)
Performance on a SWOSU
colleague’s Doctoral Recital at the University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK (April)
Faculty Performance,
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (April)
Performed with the
Silver and Gold Saxophone Quartet in a scholarship benefit concert,
Elk City, OK (April)
Directed SWOSU Jazz
Ensemble with guest artist Bobby Watson and Live & Learn (February)
Faculty Recital
Performance with
Weatherford Middle School Choir (October)
Faculty Performance,
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (September)
Performed at the
Oklahoma Bandmasters Association Conference in Tulsa, OK in the IAJE reading
jazz band for band directors with Steve Wilkerson (July)
Co-directed SWOSU Band
Camp Faculty Jazz Band (July)
Faculty Performance,
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (July)
All-OMEA Saxophone
Clinic, Southwestern Oklahoma State University (July)
Performed with the
SWOSU Jazz Camp Faculty Jazz Band (June)
Performance at the
Weatherford High School Choir Spring Concert (May)
Faculty Recital,
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (April)
Recital at the North
American Saxophone Alliance Regional Conference at Southern Methodist
University – Dallas, TX (February)
Directed SWOSU Jazz
Ensemble with guest artist Bill Watrous (February)
Faculty Performance,
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (September)
Performance with SWOSU
Student Saxophone Quartet Recital (November)
All-OMEA Saxophone
Clinic, Southwestern Oklahoma State University (November)
· Faculty Recital, Southwestern Oklahoma State
University (July)
Jazz Ensembles Performances
Southern Jazz Orchestra recording session
(director and lead engineer) (May)
Southern Jazz Orchestra, MSSU
Southern Jazz Orchestra recording session
(director and lead engineer) (March)
· Southern
Jazz Orchestra Concert, MSSU (November)
Southern Jazz Orchestra Concert, MSSU (October)
Faculty Jazz Band at SWOSU Middle School Band
Camp (June)
Faculty Jazz Band at SWOSU Band Camp (July)
Faculty Jazz Band at SWOSU Middle School Band
Camp (June)
Faculty Jazz Band at SWOSU Band Camp (July)
· Faculty
Jazz Band at SWOSU Middle School Band Camp (June)
· Concert,
SWOSU (April)
· Concert,
SWOSU (March)
· 42nd
Annual SWOSU Jazz Festival with the Paul McKee Quintet (February)
· Performance
at the Weatherford Kiwanis Club (January)
· Concert,
SWOSU (November)
· Miss
Southwestern Pageant (October)
· Recruitment
Tour – Elk City, OK; Wheeler, TX; Canadian, TX; Anadarko, OK; and Central High,
OK (November)
· Concert,
SWOSU (October)
· Faculty
Jazz Band at SWOSU Band Camp (July)
· Faculty
Jazz Band at SWOSU Middle School Band Camp (June)
· Concert,
SWOSU (April)
· Concert,
SWOSU (March)
· 41st
Annual SWOSU Jazz Festival with the Randy Brecker Quintet (February)
· Performance
at the Weatherford Kiwanis Club (January)
· Concert,
SWOSU (November)
· Concert
at the Oklahoma Jazz Educators Fall Conference, SWOSU (November)
· Concert,
SWOSU (September)
· Weatherford
Arts Walk Performance, Weatherford, OK (September)
· Faculty
Jazz Band at SWOSU Band Camp (July)
· Faculty
Jazz Band at SWOSU Band Camp (June)
· Concert,
SWOSU (April)
· Concert,
SWOSU (March)
· 40th
Annual SWOSU Jazz Festival with the Byron Stripling Quartet (February)
· Performance
at the Weatherford Kiwanis Club (January)
· Concert,
SWOSU (November)
· SWOSU All-Senior
Honor Band (November)
· Recruitment
Tour – Elk City, OK; Wheeler, TX; Altus, OK; Lawton, OK (November)
· Concert,
SWOSU (October)
· Miss
Southwestern Pageant (October)
· Weatherford
Arts Walk Performance, Weatherford, OK (October)
· Faculty
Jazz Band at SWOSU Band Camp (July)
· Faculty
Jazz Band at SWOSU Middle School Band Camp (June)
· Concert,
SWOSU (April)
· Performance
at the University of North Texas/Addison Jazz Festival (April)
· Performance,
SWOSU (March)
· 39th
Annual SWOSU Jazz Festival with the Clayton Brothers Quintet (February)
· Performance
at the Weatherford Kiwanis Club (February)
· Concert,
SWOSU (December)
· Concert,
Northeastern Oklahoma State University, Tahlequah, OK at the Oklahoma Jazz Educators
Conference (November)
All-Senior Honor Band (November)
· Concert,
Miss SWOSU Pageant (November)
· Recruitment
Tour – Midwest City, OK; Okmulgee, OK (November)
· Concert,
SWOSU (October)
· Faculty
Jazz Band at SWOSU Band Camp (July)
· Faculty
Jazz Band at SWOSU Middle School Band Camp (June)
· Performance
in conjunction with SWOSU’s Music Therapy Student Association at
Brookdale-Serling House Assisted Care Facility (April)
· Concert,
SWOSU (April)
· Concert,
SWOSU (March)
· Performance
at the University of Kansas Jazz Festival, Lawrence, KS (March)
· Recruitment
Tour – Guthrie, OK; Perry, OK (March)
· 38th
Annual SWOSU Jazz Festival with Bobby Watson and Live & Learn (February)
· Performance
at the Weatherford Kiwanis Club (January)
Concert (December)
· Miss
Southwestern Pageant (November)
All-Senior Honor Band (November)
· Recruitment
Tour – Enid, OK; Kingfisher, OK; Mustang, OK; Anadarko, OK (November)
· Concert,
SWOSU (October)
· Oklahoma
State Fair, Oklahoma City (September)
· Weatherford
Arts Festival (September)
· Faculty
Jazz Band at SWOSU Band Camp (July)
· "A
Brief History of Jazz" SWOSU Concert (April)
· Recruitment
Tour – Hennessey, OK (April)
Concert (March)
· 37th
Annual SWOSU Jazz Festival with the Bill Watrous Quartet (February)
· Kiwanis
Club Performance, Weatherford (January)
Music Department Holiday Concert (December)
· SWOSU Concert
· Recruitment
Tour – Canadian, TX; Stinnett, TX; Guymon, OK; Perryton, TX; Cheyenne, OK
· Miss
Southwestern Pageant (November)
Concert (October)
All-Senior Honor Band (October)
· Oklahoma
State Fair, Oklahoma City (September)
Weatherford Arts Festival (September)
Woodwind Chamber Groups
(Flute, Clarinet and Saxophone Ensembles, Woodwind Ensemble)
· Mission Hills Saxophone Quartet Performance, MSSU (November)
Saxophone Quartet Performance, MSSU (April)
· Mission
Hills Saxophone Quartet Performance, MSSU (November)
Saxophone Quartet Performance, MSSU (November)
Saxophone Quartet Performance, MSSU (April)
· MSSU Saxophone
Quartet Performance, MSSU (November)
· Davis
Road Saxophone Quartet Performance, SWOSU (April)
Road Saxophone Quartet Performance, SWOSU (October)
Woodwind Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (April)
Woodwind Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU
Woodwind Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (April)
Woodwind Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU
Davis Road Quartet Performance, East Elementary,
Weatherford, OK (December)
Woodwind Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (April)
Woodwind Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU
Juxtaposed Saxophone Quartet Performance, East
Elementary, Weatherford, OK (December)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (November)
· Juxtaposed
and BFQ Saxophone Quartet Performances, SWOSU (October)
· Penultimate
Saxophone Quartet Performance, Elk City, OK (May)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (April)
· Penultimate
Saxophone Quartet Performance, East Elementary, Weatherford, OK (April)
· Penultimate
Saxophone Quartet performance at the North American Saxophone Alliance Biennial
Conference at Arizona State University, Tempe AZ in a master class with Dr.
Eugene Rousseau (March)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (November)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOU (April)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (November)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (April)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (February)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (November)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Performances at the Weatherford Arts Walk (October)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (April)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet Recital at the North American Saxophone Alliance
Region IV Conference, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO (April)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet Recital, SWOSU (December)
· Woodwind
Chamber Ensembles Concert, SWOSU (November)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Tour – Sapulpa, OK; Drumright, OK; Stroud, OK (November)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet performance at Jazz Ensemble “B” Concert (October)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet performance at the Oklahoma City State Fair (September)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet performance at the 2008 SWOSU Band Camp (July)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet performance at a scholarship benefit concert,
Elk City, OK (April)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet Concert, SWOSU English Club (April)
Woodwind Ensemble Concert (April)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet Concert, The Cup (April)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet Recital, SWOSU (April)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet Concert at Weatherford East Elementary (February)
· Clarinet
Quartet and Woodwind Ensemble Concert, SWOSU (December)
· Silver
and Gold Saxophone Quartet Recital, SWOSU (December)
Woodwind Ensemble Concert (November)
Woodwind Ensemble Concert (April)
Music Department Holiday Concert (December)
Woodwind Ensemble Concert (November)
· The
Remnants Saxophone Quartet Recital, SWOSU (November)
· Performances
on Departmental Recitals throughout 2006-2012